Sports Ethics for Professional Athletes

The Social Media – Protecting Professional Athletes from Themselves

Professional Athletes have tremendous power and not only speak for themselves, but for their entire organization. Some of the biggest off-the-field screw-up’s have occurred when the social media has been unwisely used.

Twitter, Facebook and other social media tools are great for keeping us connected. However, the social media is not private. This is especially true of materials that have even been re-tweeted that contain insensitive, violent, explicit, highly political, bullying or otherwise controversial content.  Once something is put out into cyberspace, it does not go away.

Professional Athletes in Social Media

This program will teach Professional Athletes on ethical considerations relating to the following important issues:

  • Proper handling of the social media, especially when confronted with negativity.
  • 7 cases where it is best for Professional Athletes to “put down the device or computer.”
  • Cases where you must ethically respond.
  • The future of social media and how it will affect Professional Athletes.

We are pleased to introduce issues relevant to your organization and to discuss the challenges and opportunities these issues may bring. In addition to group sessions, we also offer highly effective and confidential consultation with professional athletes and coaches to advise on correcting ethical mistakes and to overcome negative ethical images.

Please contact us with any questions or requests.

Connect with Us

Phone: (828) 244-1400
Fax: (866) 426-4118
Chuck Gallagher
3620 Pelham Road #305
Greenville, SC 29615